How to Pronounce "EAU"
On to the next one! In this module, we will go over sounds written as a combination of three letters or more.
For all of these combinations, none of the three or more letters are pronounced. The combination makes its own sound.
EAU = AU = O
When the letters "E", "A" and "U" are together, they make the sound "O", like the letter "O".
Watch the following video:
Listen to how the following words with "EAU" are pronounced and repeat them:
couteau (knife)
manteau (coat)
chapeau (hat)
Well done!
Let's play a game. 🎉
Go ahead and watch the following video. Find all of the words that do NOT contain the sound [o] (written "EAU") and note them down. ![]()
(Answers in Answer Key at the end of the course and all words are in transcript.)
Listen to the following audio, paying close attention to the sound [o] (written "EAU"):
Un enfant avec un chapeau mange un gâteau en poussant un petit bateau sur l'eau. Qu'il est beau avec son drapeau !
(A child with a hat is eating a cookie while pushing his little boat on the water. It's so beautiful with its flag!)
Now, read the paragraph aloud. Listen to it and repeat it as many times as needed, until you feel good about your pronunciation of the sound [o] (written "EAU").